How to create children that possess an internal desire to be active?
How can ‘you’ create - in your child…… an internal desire to be active?
At Fit2Shine, we are passionate about creating kids who find joy in movement, who feel confident & competent & MOTIVATED TO SEEK OUT physical activity, and who have an internal desire to move. For kids to have this confidence and motivation, they need to have built a rock-solid foundation of what we call physical literacy. The broader this FOUNDATION - the more CHOICES they have to feel confident to be able even to try new physical activities of any sort. When their physical literacy skills are low, their confidence goes down and their willingness to even try a new sport or go in the athletics carnival for example is also low. We know that kids are moving less and in Australia 8 out of 10 kids are not reaching the minimum 60 minutes of exercise per day. When we increase their level of physical literacy, then their INTERNAL DESIRE TO BE ACTIVE increases. Imagine that….. instead of you begging them to get off their devices, they are naturally motivated to get outside and be active and play and try new things and catch up with their friends for a bike ride and go to different sports & physical activities. You're no longer having that constant encouragement to get them moving and get them outside and get them off their butts. THEY are begging you! Well, that's what the Fit2Shine programming using The BrandX Method does! We give them a broad foundation of physical literacy in all movement patterns. For more details on PHYSICAL LITERACY Read more in the BLOG by The BrandX Method - |
Fit2SHiNE is a licensed BrandX Method Training Centre
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